
Chikky Ebunoha

I am so excited, I just finished finished a course in Personal Support worker(PSW), and I choose this course because I am compassionate in helping clients feel loved and also helping them with their daily life activities such as bathing, eating and making them feel cared for. I was thought by a well respected Prof. Michelle Paris, she was extremely patient in her teachings, she made sure we all had the information’s we needed to go through the course. For the Administration, they where very supportive with both documents and information we needed for the course, and also they assisted in getting a place for my placement, which I enjoyed and I am glad because, it was a success. And finally took my exams, and thanks God it was successful, Thanks to Mac, who guided me with the exam registrations, and thanks to all AOL staff.
So I Encourage others to join the course at AOL Mississauga East, Ontario.

Chikky Ebunoha